Indonesian Netizen?

Jumat, Desember 23, 2016

Netizen Ilustration

Welcome to sari’s blog. For me it’s interesting thing to talk about Netizen, specially Indonesian Netizen. Well, it’s because yesterday Indonesian netizen being viral in the world because of a meme “Om Telolet Om”. You must know it,,, hahaha

Nowdays, netizens so have impacts on every society business. Why? People’s words are so important and it being more important when they say it in social medias, where every people can read your words, watch your actions no matter who you are. Yeah, it’s a natural characteristic of human being, be curious!.  Not stop there, but they love to respond. Giving comments, likes, and so many others responds to expose their appreciations and aspirations.

First, what is netizen actually? For me, it comes from two basic words, Internet and citizen. So, we can make conclusion that netizen is the internet’s citizen or the users of internet. Yes they are, who become active to use internet. Whatever they use it for business, politics, socials, journalism, lifestyle, hobbies like movies or games or just another funs. They all are netizens.  

Netizen being important in every sectors because we need to consider what netizens say and think for taking decisions. Or just not being ignorence in this millennium world. Well, you’ve heard a geat deal of positive impacts of Internet.

Now we come to Indonesian netizen. Second question, why Indonesian Netizen? Because there are unique people inside. What makes them uniqe?

1. Indonesian netizen comes from so great deal colors of cultures. What they say and do depand on what culture they live in. Like the “om telolet om” it come from east java citezen’s culture. The posts characteristics in every districs are differents and they all have something intresting to be exposed!.
If you want to know the habitual of Indoneisa >    My Own Life: Habitual Of Indonesian
2. Indonesian netizen comes from Indonesian citizen. That means Indo-netizen are Indo-Citizen. Most of Indonesian people have this one in their self, “KEPO-adict”. (KEPO=Know Every Particular Object). Yeahh,, Indonesian netizens are so curious about everything even people businesses. I don’t say that’s just bad. Sometimes it’s good because that means Indo-netizen care each other. J and sometimes they could be too care to you. :D

                                                 Watch this video how  KEPO Indonesian.

3. Indonesian netizen are so active in Internet. 132 millions Indonesian are active netizen ( it makes indonesia in the 6 top ranking of using internet in the world ( So don’t be surprised about some viral trending topics caused by indonesia. Well, Indonesian netizens are sensitive of issues.
Watch this video and see how active Indonesian Netizen.

4. The last, Indonesian Netizen are so funny. Yeah,, sometimes could be rediclous. Yeah, they so active making meme. The jokes sometimes is nonsense but sometimes is critical issues. Indonesian netizens love to laugh and love to make others laughing too. Haha..

So what i am saying here is netizen are so matters. Because just by words you spell up could change your whole life. Well, just want to warn us to becareful with our words. Wherever, whenever!   

Thank you for reading my blog, see you on the next post! J


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